Beyond the Wall

Where the cuts weren't, but he could feel it, and hear it

Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash

PROMPT: The world was all still, together in their homes No one was lonely, except for robot 5-Komb He'd hardly recharged, his sleep mode wouldn't activate From all the silence, and the frozen precipitate

Was back there, just behind him, beyond the wall

Where the cuts weren’t, but he could feel it, and hear it

And somewhere, upon the lake, the shore, the end

Pushing for just what he’d given

And there she was, that thin but too perfect, and that

And him. That was it, that was all.

“It’s over.”

Then it was over, and the band

and he hung it on a neck chain around his life

And she was gone.


Editor’s Notes

Written by AI, this text was taken from text generated from my cyberpunk model, and using my “multi-temp” script, that goes from 0.8 to 1.3 temperature settings, iterating by 0.10 and generating 20 or so texts per temperature setting before raising the temp. That gave me a good sampling of what temperature makes what types of text from the prompt i’ve given it. I checked each line of this for overfit against my text corpus the model was built on, and it always surprises me when it has no matches with output like this.


The same 5-Komb robot prompt I wrote for “The Earth Was Real”


Just an excerpt from the beginning of the text generated with those settings, otherwise no edits.


Title came from the generated text

GPT-2 Settings
  "return_as_list": true,
  "length": 300,
  "top_k": 80,
  "top_p": 0.9,
  "truncate": "<|endoftext|>",
  "nsamples": 3,
  "batch_size": 1,
  "run_name": "model-cyberpunk-run1",
  "prefix": "\nThe world was all still, together in their homes\nNo one was lonely, except for robot 5-Komb\nHe'd hardly recharged, his sleep mode wouldn't activate\nFrom all the silence, and the frozen precipitate\n",
  "temperature": 0.7