Man of the Untamed Wild

For he was almost too brilliant, too great

Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash

PROMPT: This book is sure to liquefy your brain.

The awakening from his fixed rankness. Expected of a man of the untamed wild, This book among hunting knows shall be. But for ‘t purpose that he should spy;

For he was almost too brilliant, too great, There was too much landless; and he had to train. An eye of carefully watching and farseeing. To see with subtle crafties of this exalted side.

The trade with rare figures and the keen darts. Of unaccustomed appreciation the base land; And now for j*ard t had run him down,

With such bitterness he scarcely could rewander, And in his thankfulness she would surely dwell, One hand aloft and high; another eye still upturned, And thought in woe. Come I back to Hell;

No, if this be Hell, No other very deep gaping harbor there the hide-mongers have, As clear and ere heavy roads divide!


Editor’s Notes

Prompt came from Random Sentence Generator

The text here came from a fiction model I’ve trained, based on GPT-2 774M.

I’ve added formatting and emphasis.

GPT-2 Settings
  "return_as_list": true,
  "length": 300,
  "temperature": 1.1,
  "top_k": 80,
  "top_p": 0.9,
  "truncate": "<|endoftext|>",
  "nsamples": 20,
  "batch_size": 2,
  "prefix": "\nThis book is sure to liquefy your brain.\n",
  "run_name": "model-adult_fiction-774M-run1"