The Age of the World is Fast Approaching

The only way we can live is to be free

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

It is very evident that she has lost her great hold upon reality. Her best friends have been compelled to submit to this sore dependence. What they have demanded of me in return may be imagined. They have taken me to transact business, and to avoid the exposure of this stupid and wicked system.

My only answer was to breathe and to let the words flow.

“The age of the world is fast approaching,” she continued. “We are just in the prime of growth. Only a few decades more, and humanity will have crossed the race, and still there are those who will object to it.”

She paused, and in that moment my field of vision had shifted to a close wonder. She was speaking in terms of powers beyond our comprehension. Incredibly, the idea was overpowering: It was impossible to feel frightened by anything she said.

“The only way we can live is to be free,” she continued. “This proves you’re free. Life is unendurable. You’re not like me and I know it. Human beings are only airbrimming through time. They don’t inhabit the universe. They don’t have the power to take it away. I’m sure you’ve realized that. And yet for me it’s still just a matter of diminishing the extent of our freedom. Do you know what it means, tolerance? Respectfulness? An attitude that the world can’t kill because it can’t act.

“Forgive me,” I was forced to agree.

“What do you respect?” she demanded.

“Well mean,” I thought. “Long-lasting respect … Lasting respect.”

The outburst came in my throat as a physical wrench that crushed to my sleeve. I was on edge.


Editor’s Notes

Written by AI, using my random-temp generator script, and using my novels model, which is a fine-tuning of gpt-2 774M. Chosen from among the other recently generated stories by me, a human.


Deleted first sentence. Added paragraph and quote formatting.


Title was human-derived by me from the generated text

Plagiarism Checked

Plagiarism checked with my orchestration code around Plagiarism-Basic against the dataset

GPT-2 Settings
  "batch_size": 20,
  "length": 400,
  "nsamples": 400,
  "return_as_list": true,
  "run_name": "model-adult_fiction-774M-run2",
  "temperature": 0.9465247841985804,
  "top_k": 103.14270029856849,
  "top_p": 0.9316168757763922,
  "truncate": "<|endoftext|>",
  "collection": "novels"